"Unless prior approval from the examination and approval authority is statutorily required, such amendments shall become effective upon the signing by the duly authorized representatives of the parties" 除法律要求须经审批机关事先批准外,该等修改经各方正式授权的代表签字后即刻生效
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized. 按照1934年证券交易法的规定,上报公司正式责成下列正式授权人代表其在本报告上签字。
In witness whereof, the parties hereto hae executed this agreement in duplicate by their duly authorized representaties as of the date first aboe written. 兹证明,双方委派各自代表,在以下开首语中书明的日期签署盖章。本协议一式两份。
Financial institutions duly authorized for foreign exchange operations shall never operate beyond the approved business scope. 经批准经营外汇业务的金融机构,经营外汇业务不得超出批准的范围。
The joint venture agreement, contract and articles of association executed by the duly authorized representatives of the parties to the joint venture; 由合营各方授权代表签署的合营企业协议、合同和章程;
Its execution, delivery and performance of the Documents have been duly authorized by all necessary action. 其签署、递交和履行文件已经通过一切必要的行为获得正式授权。
"In witness whereof the undersigned plenipotentiaries, Being duly authorized by their respective Governments, have signed this Convention." international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this 下列全权代表,经各自政府正式授权,在本公约上签字,以资证明。保护,如未经授权而复制或传播本程序或其
In witness whereof the undersigned plenipotentiaries, being duly authorized by their respective governments, have signed this convention. 下列全权代表,经各自政府正式授权,在本公约上签字,以资证明。
Any alteration of this Agreement without duly authorized signature shall be null and void. 本合同涂改的部分、未经合法授权代签,无效。
This Agreement shall be executed by a duly authorized representative of each Party as of the date first written above and becomes effective simultaneously. 本协议一式七份,以英语签署,每一方保留一份并且每一份拥有相同的效力。
The Station, this licence and the record of operation shall be available for inspection at all reasonable times by duly authorized officers of the Authority. 在任何合理时间,该电台、本牌照及操作纪录均须让局长所正式授权的人员检查。
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be excuted by duly authorized representatives of both parties on the date and years first written above. 本合同由被正当授权之人,于本协议上述记载之日期代表双方当事人订立,特此证明。
IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereby cause their duly authorized representatives to execute this contract at the date and place set forth below. 本合同双方使其各自合法授权代表在下述时间地点签署本合同,以昭信守。
In relation to a place outside Hong Kong means a person duly authorized to take declarations under the law of that place. 而就香港以外的地方来说,则指根据当地法律获得妥为授权以监督声明的人;
After this contract is signed by the duly authorized representatives of both parties, both parties shall submit the contract to their governments or boards of directors for approval. 本合同经双方正式授权代表签署后,应提交各自政府或董事会批准。
This Contract shall take effect from the date of its execution by the duly authorized representatives of the parties. 本合同自各方正式授权的代表签署之日起生效。
The original and duplicates of the tender shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by a person or persons duly authorized. 标书的正本与副本应使用不褪色的墨水打印或书写,并应由正式授权过的一个人或几个人签字。
Amendments modifying or extending the Contract shall be binding upon both parties only if in writing and signed by a duly authorized officer or representative of each party. 对合同所作的修改和扩充,只有采取书面形式并经双方正式授权的主管人员或代表签署后,方能对双方有约束力。
IN WITNESS THEREOF, each of the Parties hereto has caused this Contract to be executed by its duly authorized representative on the date first set forth above. 双方已于本合同首页所载日期其正式授权的代表签订本合同,以资证明。
In witness whereof, the parties have caused their duly authorized representatives to execute this Agreement as of the date below. 各方已使其签字人自下文所示的日期开始执行本协议,特此立证。
A publisher or producer shall bear the burden of proof that it has been lawfully and duly authorized for any publishing or production it makes, and an issuer or lender shall bear the burden of proof that the reproductions it issues or leases are from a lawful source. 出版者、制作者应当对其出版、制作有合法授权承担举证责任,发行者、出租者应当对其发行或者出租的复制品有合法来源承担举证责任。
The signatory shall be a person duly authorized by the board of directors of the exchange participant. 必须经由交易所参与者之负责人员或董事会授权之人士签署。
The bidder has the authority to submit the proposals and conclude the contract without any additional approvals or consents not previously obtained; its representative or the person executing the bidding documents is duly authorized. 投标人有递交方案及签订合同的权利,而不需要额外许可或事先得到同意;递交投标文件的代表或人员应获得正式授权。
IN WITNESS "WHEREOF", the Parties have caused this contract to be effective with the signatory approval of their duly authorized representatives. 经各方正式授权的代表签字批准,本协议已经生效,特此证明。